Because the well-being of your child is paramount
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Austell, Georgia

What is occupational therapy?
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Every person across the lifespan engages in activities that are meaningful to them and necessary for experiencing an optimal quality of life. These meaningful activities are identified as occupations and occupational therapy aides in developing, improving, restoring and/or maintaining the skills necessary to participate in these occupations. Occupational therapy enables people of all ages to live an abounding life by helping to promote health, as well as make lifestyle or environmental changes, and prevent, or live better with, injury, illness or disability. By looking at the whole person, occupational therapy assists people in achieving their goals, functioning at the highest possible level, rebuilding and/or maintaining their independence, as well as participate in everyday meaningful activities of life (
Pediatric occupational therapy helps children participate in meaningful roles and occupations that are necessary for the health, well-being and development of the child. Occupations for children involve activities that promote learning and enable children to develop life skills, activities that invoke creativity and spark curiosity to explore and interact with their surrounding environments, in addition to activities that enhances the child’s ability to function independently in self-care skills and exhibit social competence in relation with others. Pediatric occupational therapy incorporates the analysis of typical development, the environments children typically engage in and how the impact of disability, impairment, or illness affect a child’s overall development, play and learning experiences (
Who are Occupational Therapists?
Every person across the lifespan engages in activities that are meaningful to them and necessary for experiencing an optimal quality of life. These meaningful activities are identified as occupations and occupational therapy aides in developing, improving, restoring and/or maintaining the skills necessary to participate in these occupations. Occupational therapy enables people of all ages to live an abounding life by helping to promote health, as well as make lifestyle or environmental changes, and prevent, or live better with, injury, illness or disability. By looking at the whole person, occupational therapy assists people in achieving their goals, functioning at the highest possible level, rebuilding and/or maintaining their independence, as well as participate in everyday meaningful activities of life (
Pediatric occupational therapy helps children participate in meaningful roles and occupations that are necessary for the health, well-being and development of the child. Occupations for children involve activities that promote learning and enable children to develop life skills, activities that invoke creativity and spark curiosity to explore and interact with their surrounding environments, in addition to activities that enhances the child’s ability to function independently in self-care skills and exhibit social competence in relation with others. Pediatric occupational therapy incorporates the analysis of typical development, the environments children typically engage in and how the impact of disability, impairment, or illness affect a child’s overall development, play and learning experiences (
What are the benefits of occupational therapy?
Occupational therapy improves the overall participation of meaningful activities in children, which enhances a child’s function in meaningful roles and improves a child’s total well-being. OT’s often assist children achieve this by:
Improving fine motor skills
Improving handwriting
Improving balance
Improving coordination
Improving visual processing skills
Improving visual motor integration skills (ex. eye-hand coordination)
Improving self-care skills
Improving executive functioning skills
Improving attention/focus
Improving motor planning skills
Improving sensory processing skills
Improving social competence
Improving behavioral skills
If you have any concerns regarding your child's development, please contact us for more information.